Sunday, October 14, 2007

InPlace CMS

New CMS release, InPlace, very simple to work with. It is a is a Python wrapper for XSLT. and of course freely distributed.
project`s homepage is here.
small flow diagram to make things simpler:

Why InPlace rocks? The documentation is already in the HTML form, no need for the generation step, no errors occur.

bmc configuration manager ( marimba ) cli runchannel return codes

those are CLI return codes for marimba runchannel on UNIX.
The return codes are 0, for success, and -1 through -12, for failure, as described below.
0 - runchannel -help was requested (and provided). A channel was started and completed an operation successfully.
1 - In the tuner's installation directory, the properties.txt file was missing from the lib/tuner/ directory. There was an incorrect runchannel command-line argument. An exception occurred while trying to start the tuner. There were notifications related to channel exceptions, RPC Disconnects, or RPC timeouts.
2 - An unexpected exception was caught. An associated stack trace gives more details. If you see this code while publishing a signed channel, then make sure that the cert DN (certificate's distinguished name) is specified correctly.
3 - Command was canceled.
4 - I/O error. Log entries should give more details, but this error can mean that the command failed to get data channel properties (that is, a communication problem between the endpoint and transmitter exists). This error can also mean that the command failed to move internal directories in or out during a publish or install operation.
5 - Publish error. A publish or unpublish command failed in the publish process. The actual error is described in the logs.
6 - Cleanup error. Not currently used.
7 - Update error. An install or uninstall command failed in the installation process. The actual error is described in the logs.
8 - Concurrency error. This error can occur only when the application is used as a library. The same instance of a kernel was used to perform multiple publish or installation commands simultaneously.
9 - Exec error. An error occurred while trying to execute a pre- or post- installation command.
10 - Unsigned error. Not currently used. Attempting to install a channel that is not properly signed returns a -3 (canceled) code, but a log entry indicating that the channel was not signed correctly also exists.
11 - Unknown error. This error should not be returned. If this error is returned, the logs contain entries indicating the problem.
12 - No-such-channel error. An error occurred while getting the data channel list from a transmitter. When installing, the data channel is what the application publishes to the transmitter during a publish command.

Provided by:SiQ systems, Cloud experts

how to restore system user in oracle and lock it back

Following instructions will help you unlock the oracle db system user and lock it back when needed.
Those are the instructions:
1) login to a machine as user oracle
2) connect to sqlplus: sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
3) unlock user: alter user system account unlock;
4) change password: alter user system identified by manager;
5) verify connection: conn system/manager
6) restore password: ALTER USER system IDENTIFIED BY VALUES 'F2B917B76C7DFF0A';
7) lock user: alter user system account lock;
8) verify lock: conn system/manager
you should see the following message: ERROR: ORA-28000: the account is locked

how to locate oracle SID on linux / unix machine

Log into a UNIX or Linux machine as root.
execute: ps -ef |grep -i pmon
you should see something like that:
oracle 27161 1 0 Mar07 ? 00:03:53 ora_pmon_ODS
then ODS is a SID of that oracle.

How to set or disable auto-logout on bash shell

Following information is intended for bash shell only.
The system variable TMOUT can be set to specify the amount of time the user is inactive before the user is automatically logged out.
Set the following listed below in the /root/.bashrc file: TMOUT=XXX #
The system will logout the root account after one hour of inactivity. The value entered for the TMOUT= variable is in seconds. To represent 1 hour, we have to multiply as follows: 1 hour is 60 minutes. 60 minutes * 60 seconds = 3600 seconds.
After setting the parameter, the intended user will need to log out and then log in for the changes to take effect. To make modifications apply to all users on the system, specify the TMOUT variable in /etc/ profile.
To disable auto-logout simply comment out or delete the line with TMOUT value

Provided by:Forthscale systems, cloud experts

small legato cluster commands guide

Just a small legato cluster (on Linux in my case) commands reference guide.

to list resources in legato cluster:
$FT_DIR/bin/ftcli -cmd lrg (lists the legato resource groups)
$FT_DIR/bin/ftcli -cmd lip (lists ip numbers in legato cluster)
$FT_DIR/bin/ftcli -cmd ln (lists legato cluster nodes)
$FT_DIR/bin/ftcli -cmd lp (lists all the processes in legato cluster)

to start a legato cluster resource group:
$FT_DIR/bin/ftcli -cmd "bgo resource_group_name node"
to stop a legato cluster resourse group:
$FT_DIR/bin/ftcli -cmd "tgo resource_group_name"

to start a legato cluster monitored application:
$FT_DIR/bin/ftcli -cmd "start application node"
to stop a legato cluster monitored application:
$FT_DIR/bin/ftcli -cmd "stop application"

Provided by:SiQ systems, Cloud experts

solving error: Your current user or role does not have access to Kubernetes objects on this EKS cluster.

Trying to access EKS cluster with kubectl you might get an error similar to: Your current user or role does not have access to Kubernetes ob...